Thursday 10 March 2011

Breakfast the Sixtieth

Doppelgänger shreddies and banana.
The only reason I drink chamomile tea is Peter Rabbit. I was always so desperate to try it when I was small. When I finally did, I confess it was something of an anticlimax. Even so, my love of Peter Rabbit keeps me drinking it -- from time to time.

I suppose these days Peter would be slapped with an ASBO quicker than you can say "delinquent." He does, after all, trespass in Mr McGregor's garden; steal some lettuce and French beans and radishes; and, I think, breaks a couple of flowerpots in attempting to make his escape.

Then there are the Two Bad Mice (my other favourites): a couple of breaking-and-entering miscreants who vandalise a house...

Does the Daily Mail know about these furry hoodlums?!

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